Rainbow Rowell, author of Eleanor & Park and Fangirl, discusses censorship and love in a recent interview with The Toast. Unfortunately, I haven't read either books yet, but they're both sitting tall and proud in in my To Be Read Pile, and I hope to give them their rightful attention soon--as I've only heard wonderful things about them.
It's truly sad that some places around the country feel the need to remove (or rally to remove) books from their shelves and, in the process, potentially deprive a young person of a story that just might change his or her life for the better.
There has also been an abundance of wonderful illustration work surrounding Rowell's story. One of my faves is above--the artist, Henna Lucas, here.
While Banned Books Week officially runs through the 28th of September, we should celebrate the right to read stories--any and all types--all year round! The American Library Association has a really fantastic interactive timeline listing a few of the most frequently challenged books. Is your fave on the list?
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