Monday, October 21, 2013

Fight for Equality (In a Time of Global Warming)

It's important to look at the variations in our world as being things that not only add color and interest to the universe but create a solid ground whereupon we can journey onward in our fight for equality.

Every day we see our species working toward honoring different perspectives and welcoming variations of all types; however, there's neverending work to be done in this voyage toward acceptance. Ignorance and hate, as looming entities, will always exist--but, if we fight hard, perhaps we can all strive to make the world a more welcoming place for everyone, without discriminating them based upon their backgrounds, cultures, or perspectives. 

I'm an optimistic person, and always strive to see the good, and will continue be an advocate for this notion that great power rests in the existence of variation, variability, and diversity.


I recently read Francesca Lia Block's Love in the Time of Global Warming, a piece of YA fiction with a wonderfully diverse set of characters on an Odyssey-sized adventure: totally epic in a quiet, literary sort of way. Her voice is unlike any other's, and her careful attention to language makes one wonder if each sentence was cut with a diamond. The story got me thinking not only about the importance of diversity in YA literature but how important it is to fight for equality--of every kind--within our everyday lives. Literature is just one of the many tools that can aid in this fight.

[Header image by Nick]

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